Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Fireworks in the Olive City

During the 4th of July holiday, Corning Police Department receives numerous calls regarding the use of fireworks within our city limits. The following is the City of Corning Municipal code regarding the permitted use of "Safe and Sane" fireworks:

8.18.020-Permitted discharge of safe and sane fireworks.

A. Annually on July 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th and on July 5th if that day is a legal holiday, safe and sane fireworks may be discharged in any area within the city zoned single-family residential, two-family residential and multifamily residential (R-1-2-3-4), and residential agricultural (R-1-a) and within city parks, except as provided in this chapter (as set forth on the official city zoning map). Safe and Sane fireworks shall not be discharged at any other time nor in any zone other than provided in this section. Regardless of the zone in which a fireworks stand is located, safe and sane fireworks shall not be discharged within one hundred yards of any such stand.

B. As used in this chapter, "safe and sane fireworks" includes only those fireworks that have been classified as "safe and sane" by the State Fireworks Law and the State Fireworks Marshal" 

What fireworks are considered illegal?

Illegal fireworks include sky rockets, bottle rockets, roman candles, aerial shells, firecrackers and other types that explode, go into the air, or move on the ground in an uncontrollable manner. It is illegal to sell, transport, or use fireworks that do not carry the “Safe and Sane” seal - See more at:

  • Fireworks Safety Tips
  • Use only State Fire Marshal approved fireworks
  • Local ordinances should be verified before purchasing and/or using fireworks
  • Always read directions
  • Always have an adult present
  • Use fireworks outdoors only
  • Never use near dry grass or other flammable materials
  • Light one at a time
  • Always have a bucket of water available

Fireworks Injury Prevention Safety Tips:
  • Never place any part of your body directly over a fireworks device when lighting the fuse
  • Back up several feet immediately after lighting fireworks
  • Never point or throw fireworks at another person
  • Never experiment with fireworks
  • Never attempt to re-light or “fix” fireworks
  • Do not wear loose fitting clothing
  • Never carry fireworks in your pockets
  • Fireworks are not toys
- See more at:

Corning Police Department wishes our community a Happy and safe 4th of July! 

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